A Photo Shoot


Hoping for a CUTE kid & puppies back cover for the next issue of the USASA Journal,
Saturday evening found us doing a photo shoot with famous Thornapple model Evan Brandenburg!
150 photos later, we found ourselves with a temperamental star and no photo for the back cover.
We called it a day as the sun set in the west with no ad for Kathy Glaes, our Journal editor!
Thank you to Evan's personal aides Shayna, Stephanie and Mommy for assisting our star in this
fruitless endeavor! (Our star tells us he wants shorter working hours and more money!)
Thank you Ch Thornapple Kiddie Cocktail & Ch Thornapple All Fired Up for sharing your darling kiddies!
Below we share a never before seen --- behind the scene peek --- of a Thornapple photo shoot!